Ready to ditch the mental load

And actually enjoy your life again?

There are only so many hours in a day

And there are never enough because someone always needs something: The kids need food, the laundry needs folding, the meals need planning, the emails need answering, and you need a shower.

In the midst of all the chaos, are you finding time to do what YOU need to feel like a whole human being? Like take care of your Self and do the creative work that matters to you?


You already know what you don’t need.

This is me, screaming in a controlled and intentional fashion, because that’s part of my stress-management toolkit.

This is me, screaming in a controlled and intentional fashion, because that’s part of my stress-management toolkit.

You don’t need another course because you don’t have the time or bandwidth to DIY anything at the moment.
You don’t need another internet marketing guru selling you on a 17 step plan to guaranteed success.
You don’t need another mastermind group to push you forward to be your best self.

What you do need is to find the space to hear yourself think.

You want to outsource some of your work but can’t seem to stop long enough to make it happen. There’s never enough time to do all.the.things and despite working around the clock, your to-do list remains.

You swear you’re making the most of every moment but it still feels like it’s never enough. You can’t keep doing what you’re doing, because it feels like you’re slowly but surely falling apart.

And when you’re barely holding it together, it feels like any break in pace could bring it all crashing down.

You know you need help. That’s why you’re here.

But what kind of help do you need?
A coach? A consultant? An assistant? A therapist? A pillow to scream in?


Welcome to the Brink of Burnout.

it’s officially time to take a step back, and map a more sustainable course of action — together.

Because you don’t have to wrangle this mess alone. I’ve got your back, and will help you make sense of the madness and get you unstuck. Because that’s what I do best:

I coach creative, high-performing women to manage their stress and work in healthy, boundaried + sustainable ways.

The only question is… ARE YOU READY?


Send me an email and share what’s up — I’ll respond to chat next steps!

The first thing you should know about Justine: She’s incredibly intuitive.

In just one 60 minute session, she was able to ask the right questions, listen intently, and then distill exactly where the greatest opportunities existed for me...effectively making clear, organized sense of my chaos and acting as a phenomenal sounding board in the process.

What I love even more? She truly supports your whole self, understanding that being an entrepreneur isn’t just about the work.
— Sara Frandina, conversion Copywriter


What would you do if you had more time?

I mean, where is your time actually going? What do you want to be doing? What do you need to let go of?
Are your current work projects supporting your big picture goals? Is the success of your business coming at the cost of your sanity?
Are you hamster-wheeling your way through each day, feeling exhausted and unproductive?

Are all of these questions starting to sound like a bad late night infomercial? (I hope not.)

These are the kinds of questions I dig into with my clients all of the time.

These kinds of questions are the ones that keep you up at night.

And the answer to those questions? You just need some help pulling them out of your overwhelmed brain.

You already know what you need to do.
I’ll help you name it, so you can actually do it.

Justine is ‘The Person I Wished Existed’ to help me with my business when I found out I was pregnant. She’s helped me get unstuck (when I was mightily stuck) and is a savvy, funny, down-to-earth ideas MACHINE. Her work is all about implementing healthy boundaries, taking care of yourself, and making the space to do big things as you navigate transitions (read: growth) in business and life.

I’m so grateful to her for seeing my messiness, and being so welcoming and supportive.
— Kyla Roma, Marketing Coach + Strategist

Let’s get that call in the books so that you can start focusing on YOU.